After Nathaniel was born, I would put a few new picture on the blog every couple of days, and did so for several months at least. That hasn't quite happened in these first weeks after Bennett's birth. I'm not sure why, but somehow things seem a little busier this time around. Anyway, in roughly chronological order, here's some of what's been going on in our house over the last 6 weeks or so...
Home from the hospital:

Nathaniel: "I want to put on the counting hat and do some counting"

Making a cake for Kelli's second annual 39th birthday:

2 weeks old:

Learning to be a big brother:

Water fun:

Celebrating birthday number 3 for Nathaniel, complete with dinosaur cake and balloons, and putting birthday presents into immediate use.

Some proud grandfathers with their grandsons:

I'm not sure this requires or is susceptible to explanation: